“The Happiest Place on Earth!”

April Newsletter, 2016  Rick McPherson

Last week our family visited Disneyland for Spring Break.  It was incredible!  I kept thinking this place is beyond description.  The lights, the sounds, the characters, the costuming, facilities, rides, stores, restaurants, parades and ambience are spectacular.  Not only were Mickey and Minnie available for photos but Goofy took time to pose with us, too.  I thought that was impressive until Chip and Dale came by our table at breakfast.  Then we bumped into Chewbacca and the Bounty Hunter and of course, had our pictures taken.  It’s not every day that a 7’ 3” Star Wars character puts his arm around your shoulder! 

When we entered the park, I noticed the words of Walt Disney on the sign,

“Here you leave today and enter the world of yesterday, tomorrow and fantasy.”

You can’t help but be impressed by the creative genius of this man and the entertainment empire that he has built.  It’s no wonder they’ve titled it, “The Happiest Place on Earth!”

But the words of that sign keep rolling through my head…leave today…enter the world of yesterday…tomorrow…and fantasy.  Wouldn’t it be nice if that was reality?  Imagine, leave today!  Live in the past!  Jump into tomorrow!  Fulfill your fantasy!  Wee! 

Now that we’re back home and our feet and legs have healed and the equilibrium is somewhat normal, life goes on.  Our “today” is filled with the work of this ministry as we help Native Americans both physically and spiritually.  You see for most Natives, today is filled with the challenges of alcoholism, health concerns, violence, suicide and drug addiction.  They do not have the option of “leaving.”

But let me be quick to add that your help is making a difference in the lives of Native Americans.  When you pray for this ministry and help financially, we are able to encourage and bless them with truckloads of groceries, clothes, boots, and household items that express the love of God in a very tangible way.  Most importantly we are able to deliver the good news of the Gospel message and tell the story of Jesus as our Savior.  And, that’s no fairy tale.

We are now approaching the nice weather months when we can travel and visit the Reservations for Pow Wows and Camp Meetings.  Will you help?   Please take a minute to write a check or go the Pay Pal link on our website: www.pacificnwoutreach.org and make a contribution to help Native Americans with their, “today.”  Your gift, whether large or small, will make a difference. 

On behalf of Mickey, Minnie, Goofy and all the gang here at Pacific NW Outreach…thank you!
