October Newsletter, 2019  Rick McPherson

In last month’s newsletter I reminded you that, “Christmas is only a few months away!”  I know there’s frost on the pumpkins, the days are getting shorter, school is in full-swing and before you know it, the shopping days will be upon us.  It’s not too early to look at our Christmas outreach schedule to Native Americans on specific reservations in the Pacific Northwest.  This year we have selected the Quinault Reservation, about 75 miles north of Aberdeen, WA, on the Pacific Coast and The Celilo Indian Village, Yakama Reservation on the Columbia River east of The Dalles, OR.  Both Reservations are in great need. 

A number of years ago, I began asking Natives and Tribal Leaders on various reservations the simple question, “What’s the greatest need you have?”  The answer was always the same “Bring us food!”  Through the years our drivers have driven thousands of miles and delivered thousands of boxes of food.  Thousands of people have been fed because people like you cared enough to donate a dollar to help us do this ministry.  It is, in my thinking, a fulfillment of St. Matthew’s Gospel (25:35), when Jesus said, “I was hungry and you gave me food.”  The narrative goes on to say that the righteous questioned Him regarding the time and place that it happened.  His reply was distinct.  “Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.”

With this directive we will load the big red Peterbilt and head for the reservations.  Each load will include pallets of groceries and boots, which interestingly, are the second item asked for the most.  I know you can’t eat them, but when you deliver several pallets of water-proof, insulated boots your stock goes way up with Native Americans!  They’re so popular that I’ve had phone calls from around the country requesting them! 

Now, I have a question for you.  “What will Christmas look like for you?”

It will be different for those on reservations.  We can make a difference and help in a big way by working together.  No one can do everything but everyone can do something. 

Let me remind you that your heart of compassion and care for Native Americans and the delivery of food and boots, establishes a relationship that expresses God’s love, acceptance and forgiveness.  I learned a long time ago that you can’t talk to a person about their heart if their stomach is empty and their kids are sick.  When we talk about helping Natives both physically and spiritually, we mean it.  Both are necessary. 

Here’s how you can help:

  1. The old-fashioned way.  Write a check, put it in the reply envelope and mail it. 
  2. The modern way.  Use the secure  PayPal link on our website:

  1. The other modern way.  Call the PNWO Office:  503 492 0904 and Charlote or Scott will run your credit or debit card.  (Both Charlote and Scott are also secure!)
  2. The new way. Designate Pacific Northwest Outreach, Inc.  as your  “Charity of Choice”  when using Amazon for ANY shopping:
  3. The best way: PRAY!

So, there you have it.  Our Christmas ministry plans are in place and I hope you can be a part of them.   Maybe you’re humming along with Johnny Mathis and the tune is “hooked” in your head…perhaps as a reminder!  After all, it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
