Marmota Monax

February Newsletter, 2020  Rick McPherson

After my morning coffee I walked outside and noticed some daffodils had popped through the soil.  Wait a minute, I thought, this is February.  Last weekend, Punxsutawney Phil, Pennsylvania’s most famous groundhog revealed that warmer days are apparently ahead and declared, “Spring will be early, it’s a certainty.” I don’t know about you but when a groundhog is predicting the weather, I certainly want to pay attention! Whether I’m ready or not, the time change is only four weeks away and I may not need that snow shovel, again.

But before we say good-bye to winter I want to take a minute and think back to Christmas.  It was last month that we sent a newsletter with pictures of our trips to the Quinault and Yakama reservations.  I must tell you that in the last fourteen years of doing this work and making these trips, these are the best truckloads ever.  At both locations there were real tears of joy when our Native friends saw the quality of mixed groceries, insulated, water-proof boots, bicycles and gifts from the Les Schwab, TV12, toy drive and hand-made knit hats.  I’m not talking about a polite, “Thank you, this is great.”  I’m talking about quivering lips and genuine tears.   Real emotion, you know? 

Why rehearse what happened a few weeks ago?  Well, you need to know the results of your gifts and financial help you’ve provided to do this ministry.  I can’t fit all of you into the Peterbilt and drive you to the reservation, but I can tell you that what you’ve done and the compassion and kindness you’ve shown, has made a big difference in the lives of people, most of whom you will never know in this life.  These are Native Americans who have now experienced God’s love and provision because of you and this ministry that you support.  Remember, people don’t care how much you know, but they know how much you care when you demonstrate your love in practical and tangible ways.  Long ago I learned that you can’t talk to a person about the condition of their heart, if their stomach is empty and they’re shivering from the cold.  We have learned at Pacific NW Outreach that the door swings wide open when spiritual truth follows physical assistance.  People of every culture respond to love, it’s undeniable. 

So…THANK YOU AGAIN!  Your generous gifts each month reflect your compassion and kindness for Native Americans.  Although they are often forgotten, they represent a culture of people that God loves dearly and we are committed to helping and serving.  You’re a part of that…and what you do is greatly appreciated!

Tomorrow morning when you’re drinking your coffee, take a walk outside, look for daffodils…and check for groundhogs!
