September 2022 Rick McPherson

It was Fred Barnard; an advertising executive in the 1920’s who said, “A picture is worth a thousand words.”  He was describing the use of drawn and photographic images to illustrate advertising and that graphics can tell a story as effectively as a large amount of descriptive text.  He was right.

Do you think Fred Barnard influenced Fred Flintstone?  Can you imagine the antics of Fred and Barnie or Fred and Wilma, without the accompanying pictures?  How about Snoopy and Charlie Brown?  Consider your L.L. Bean catalog arriving with only words to describe your purchases for Christmas morning.  Think about family albums with no pictures of your grandchildren!

Well, we’re not going to do that to you.  We’re not going to tell our story with large amounts of descriptive text!  We’re going to let the pictures talk.  Through the fifty years of our ministry here at Pacific NW Outreach, Inc. we have touched the lives of thousands of Native Americans and helped them spiritually and physically.  Every mile we’ve driven, every sermon we’ve preached, every grocery box we’ve delivered, every pair of boots we’ve given have expressed God’s love, acceptance and forgiveness.  And all of it has been free!  People like you have donated generously to enable this ministry.  It would be impossible to do this work without you and your faithful giving.  So, thank you again and God bless you!

Now, take a look at these pictures.  They represent this ministry.  The children, adults, families and workers are real.  Their hearts are filled with love and joy.  Their stomachs are filled with nutritious food. They are warm and safe.  They embody this promise;

“I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord.  Plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. “

Jeremiah 29:11