Rick McPherson December Newsletter, 2022

I’m no stranger to winter driving.   Born and raised in Canada, I know that bad weather starts in mid-October and lasts until the end of May.  Mosquitoes and humidity round out the calendar.  But there are two words that strike fear in my heart … black ice.  This time of year, here at the west end of the Columbia River Gorge, the precipitation from the Pacific Ocean can mix with the cold east wind to coat everything with a deadly ice layer, particularly the roads.  Sodium chloride is a “no-no” because the run-off affects the salmon, therefore motorists who venture out slip and slide and eventually, according to the physics involved, reach an immovable object.  Wisdom prevails for some and the old Ford Pinto station wagon stays in the driveway.

Well, this year we dodged the ice bullet.  The storm arrived just days after our last Christmas trips to the Reservations.  We were able to deliver toys, gifts, groceries, bottled water, clothing, household supplies and even warm, hand-knit hats.  Celilo Indian Village at The Dalles, Oregon, part of the Yakama Reservation and Quinault Reservation at Lake Quinault, Washington were the two groups that received the truck loads.  You can see in the pictures, Fred and Karen Whitford and their nephew standing in front of some of the groceries.  And, the little children with their gifts never stopped smiling!  Merry Christmas, indeed!

I realize that in many ways, I serve as your eyes, ears, hands, feet and heart as I drive the Peterbilt and deliver to remote Reservations.  If it wasn’t for you and the financial gifts that you send, this ministry could not continue.  So, consider yourself included on every trip, even though it’s a tad crowded in the cab!  You’re with me.  Remember too, at this Christmas Season, that giving is what our Heavenly Father is all about; “He so loved the world that He gave…”  John 3:16.  Your participation and generosity is so appreciated and reflects the Father’s heart.  Also remember, one of Mother Teresa’s favorite texts, which she often quoted to support her ministry to the poor; “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”  Matthew 25:40

From all of us here at Pacific NW Outreach, have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and may your NEW YEAR be filled with blessing, good health, music, friends, family and fun…oh yeah, and food!  Don’t forget the food!


Joy to the world, the Lord is come

Let earth receive her King

Let every heart prepare Him room

And Heaven and nature sing
