And He Heard Me

Rick McPherson February Newsletter, 2023

“This old age thing, man, it ain’t for sissies,” said my old age friend, before applying a generous portion of Ranch dressing to his Cobb salad. 

“Everything you need stops working and life gets tough,” he continued. 

The rest of our lunch conversation contained tidbits of various surgeries, ailments, aches, pains, memory loss, general confusion and occasional indigestion.

 And, did I mention memory loss?  Or, how about hearing loss? 

When you can’t hear, or someone you love can’t hear you, it changes your life.  After all, words and conversation set us apart from all of God’s creation.  More than once, my dear wife has asked the simple question, “Did you hear me?” 

My response to her is usually, “Of course, my darling, how may I serve you today?”, or some such tender and sensitive answer!

In light of these vicissitudes of life, I’m reminded of a tremendous truth.  There is One who hears us whenever we call and is able to help us with every circumstance we face.  Several Psalms record, “I called to the Lord and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.”  “In my trouble I called to the Lord and He answered me.”  (34:4, 120:1)  Could it be that when life gets tough and we call out for help, we’re talking to the wrong people?  What a provision to know that the Lord is always going to hear us and respond.  How do I know?  He promised. 

Speaking of hearing…let me thank you again for hearing about the work we do helping Native Americans, spiritually and physically.  Now in our 50th year of ministry, we’re featuring photos in our newsletters, to reflect our history.  You have been a significant help with your prayer support and financial gifts.  Every time you pray, every time you give, you bless this ministry.  Thank you very much and God bless you.  Did you hear me?  I said, thanks and God bless you!
