January Newsletter, 2025

      You never know what will pop up on your email. The other day I had two,
from Uganda in Africa. No, no, not the kind where someone has died and you’re
the only heir and you’ve inherited a truck load of money! These were
complimentary and the result of the Rick McPherson RESTORATION Podcast that
is on Spotify. Half way around the world the message of God’s love, acceptance
and forgiveness was received via technology and hearing my voice, recorded in
my basement. Both individuals said they loved the Podcast and their family
members did, too. Amazing.
      Then, I was due for a new phone and went to the Verizon store. The young
man who helped me, asked, “So, what do you do?”
I said, “Well…I’m a logger, from Coos Bay, Oregon.”
We both chuckled, recalling the line from an old Ray Stevens’ song.
“No, really, what do you do?” He pressed.
“I direct a charitable; non-profit that helps people physically and spiritually. And,
I do a weekly Podcast on Spotify,” I said.
      The rest of the conversation included information about the Podcast and how
he could find it and listen to it and tell his Dad about it, who also happened to be
a car guy, and how he thought his Dad would like it, as well. End of conversation
and conclusion of phone transaction. Then, yesterday he called me and said,
“Hey, I’ve been listening to your Podcast and I really like it. It’s interesting. And, I
like the way you work in the ‘spiritual’ stuff.”
      I must admit when I started to do these Podcasts on Spotify and now, iHeart
radio, I had no idea that they would be so far-reaching. I was responding to a
mandate I felt the Lord gave me from Scripture, “…be witnesses…to the end of the
earth.” Acts 1:8 In “faith” I shared my directive with family and friends and
started. Now, the response is global, local and personal. People have been
praying, responding and supporting this ministry and I’m overwhelmed.

      As a way to say thank you and to remind you to continue praying for this
ministry we have several very cool, PRAYER STICKERS that we are offering to you.
You can stick them anywhere…laptop, water-bottle, refrigerator door, car
bumper, tool-box, ice-chest or mirror; anywhere! When you see the sticker it will
remind you to pray for this ministry…


      I’m also reminded that these stickers will be a tool that you can use to talk to
people about the restoration mission of Jesus Christ. He did come into the world
to save sinners, right? He is not willing that any should perish, right? You and I
are salt and light, right? It is possible to know Him, personally, right?
Many of you have helped us financially to enable this ministry. PNWO, Inc.
exists because of your generosity. Thank you! If you would like one of the new
PRAYER STICKERS, pictured here, please indicate your choice and use the reply
envelope or contact us on-line: www.pacificnwoutreach.org If you can chip in to
help defray the extra cost that would be great!
Now, I’m going to Verizon and talk to my friend, about…”spiritual” stuff.
