

August Newsletter, 2019  Rick McPherson

Every so often you look around your home and realize you have some work to do.  Things are messy.  Nothing is in its right place.  You’ve misplaced your keys and you can’t find your wallet.  Not only that, but the clothes hamper is over-flowing and there’s an odd smell when you walk past the refrigerator.  Know what I mean? 

Housekeeping is one of those necessary evils that barge into our lives.  Ready or not, it’s time to clean up.  So this month’s newsletter is dedicated to several housekeeping chores that need to be done.  Come on now, we can work together and it’ll be fun, sort of!

Let’s start with the MAILING LIST.  Obviously you’re reading this so you’re already on the list.  But, did you know you can receive this newsletter in your email inbox each month?  Many have already signed up and they get the newsletter first, saving a 55 cent stamp!  Such a deal!  All you have to do is take the enclosed reply envelope, fill in your email address and send it to us and we’ll take care of everything else.  No hassles!  You’ll be on the list and start getting the newsletter on your device.

Some have asked about SECURE AUTOMATIC MONTHLY GIVING.  We can do that, too.  Just call the office:  503 492 0904 and speak to Scott or Charlote.  They will take your credit or debit card information, the amount and day you would like to donate and it will be automatically withdrawn from your account.  Additionally, PayPal is available on our website and is another secure way of donating.    Either method will be worry and hassle free.  And your regular giving will be a tremendous blessing to the Mission.  Thank you!

Finally, let me give you a report from the CAR SHOW fundraiser.  It was a wonderful event sponsored by Liberty Bible Church and Pastor Larry Rounsley in Vancouver, WA.  They selected PNWO to be the charity/mission for this year.  People crowded into the parking lot to see the beautiful cars, trucks and motorcycles and into the church lobby for grilled burgers, hot-dogs, cookies and soft drinks.  The evening ended with lots of laughter and fun as the raffle prizes were given.  Then the church presented us with a very generous check to support the Mission and our efforts to help Native Americans both physically and spiritually. 
