March 2022 Rick McPherson

I admit it.  I’m a big fan of the TV show, “Monk.”  Tony Shalhoub, the gifted actor who portrays the quirky detective, Adrian Monk, has captured our minds and imaginations showing the wonderful idiosyncrasies of the obsessive compulsive disorder that resides in so many of us.  And, having watched way too many episodes, (I admit to some binge watching with Orville Redenbacher’s and Barq’s Root Beer ice-cream floats) I’ve almost memorized Randy Newman’s theme song, “It’s A Jungle Out There.”  With the music dancing in my head, I realize that as a poet and secular prophet, he has captured an extremely accurate commentary of  world events.   “It’s a jungle out there!  Disorder and confusion everywhere.  No one seems to care…It’s a jungle out there.  Violence and danger everywhere.  It’s brother against brother, pounding on each other…it’s a jungle out there.”  Granted the over-all gist of the song is environmental and political, but it still conveys sentiments that affect all of us.  And, the ensuing questions.

Let me remind you of what Jesus told His disciples when they asked him regarding His return and the end times.  He said, “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars…nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom…there will be famines and earthquakes…many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another…lawlessness is increased…most people’s love will grow cold.”  Matthew 24:4-28.  In other words, get ready and don’t be surprised when these things happen.

In another passage, Jesus says, “These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace.   In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”  John 16:33.   In other words, trouble visits everybody.  The bumper sticker, “SH*T HAPPENS!” rudely interrupts our civility.  But, it doesn’t end here…there’s more…much more!  Gloom, despair and agony have been replaced by, joy, hope and peace.  That’s the truth!  That’s the message!  That’s the bumper sticker! 

The rest of the message is this:  JESUS HAS OVERCOME THE WORLD!  Dr. John MacArthur says it this way: “The fundamental ground for endurance in persecution is the victory of Jesus over the world (John 12:31; I Corinthians 15:57).   Through His impending death, He rendered the world’s opposition null and void.  While the world continues to attack His people, such attacks fall harmlessly, for Christ’s victory has already accomplished a smashing defeat of the whole evil rebellious system”. (Romans 8:35-39)  

When Jesus said, “I have overcome the world!”  He said, “I have conquered, defeated, overthrown, reduced, subdued and vanquished evil in this world….and the jungle!”


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